Mark McKean
Broker Associate
North Group Real Estate

3355 Lenox Road
Atlanta, GA 30326
Profitable Home Selling
(Page 12 of 12)
Only for the Appraiser:
Have your Agent put together reports from the Multiple Listing Service of the active listings and recent sales that her or she would like to see your home compared to.
Have your Agent search the tax base to ensure that any Private Sales are included in the comps.
Make sure your “Maintenance and Improvement Costs” has been updated and that you have copies ready for him.
Make special note of any energy saving appliances or system recently installed.
If you have an old appraisal, provide a copy of the drawing that shows the house dimensions and square footage calculations. Enlarge the drawing if it is too small to easily work with. This will save the Appraiser the time of having to draw the house himself. (Most appraisers will tell you this is not their favorite part of the process.) By giving him the past work, his effort simply becomes verifying what has already been done. Make him happy!
When the Appraiser arrives, relay that you’ve prepared some information for him. Start off by providing drawings of your home from the past appraisal. Then hand him a spreadsheet of the maintenance and improvements made to the house including dates and values. Finally provide the active and past sales reports your Agent prepared.
When you are finished, thank him and get out of his way.
Once you cleared the Appraisal, Due-Diligence, and Financing Contingency, you are typically set for successful closing. I hope this guide has been beneficial and will help you achieve a more profitable home sale.